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Koha erste Testlauf (Abhängigkeiten finden)

Koha ist eine interessante Software, mit der ich mich in Zukunft etwas mehr beschäftigen werde. Hier nun mein erstes Installationsprotokoll.

#perl Makefile.PL

By default, Koha can be installed in one of three ways:

standard: Install files in conformance with the Filesystem
Hierarchy Standard (FHS).  This is the default mode
and should be used when installing a production
Koha system.  On Unix systems, root access is
needed to complete a standard installation.

single:   Install files under a single directory.  This option
is useful for installing Koha without root access, e.g.,
on a web host that allows CGI scripts and MySQL databases
but requires the user to keep all files under the user’s
HOME directory.

dev:      Create a set of symbolic links and configuration files to
allow Koha to run directly from the source distribution.
This mode is useful for developers who want to run
Koha from a git clone.

Installation mode (dev, single, standard) [dev] standard

Please specify the directory under which most Koha files
will be installed.

Note that if you are planning in installing more than
one instance of Koha, you may want to modify the last
component of the directory path, which will be used
as the package name in the FHS layout.

Base installation directory [/usr/share/koha]

Since you are using the ’standard‘ install
mode, you should run ‚make install‘ as root.
However, it is recommended that a non-root
user (on Unix and Linux platforms) have
ownership of Koha’s files, including the
Zebra indexes if applicable.

Please specify a user account.  This
user account does not need to exist
right now, but it needs to exist
before you run ‚make install‘.  Please
note that for security reasons, this
user should not be the same as the user
account Apache runs under.

User account [koha]

Please specify the group that should own
Koha’s files.  As above, this group need
not exist right now, but should be created
before you run ‚make install‘.

Group [koha]

Please specify which database engine you will use
to store data in Koha.  The choices are MySQL and
PostgreSQL; please note that at the moment
PostgreSQL support is highly experimental.

DBMS to use (Pg, mysql) [mysql] mysql

Please specify the name or address of your
database server.  Note that the database
does not have to exist at this point, it
can be created after running ‚make install‘
and before you try using Koha for the first time.

Database server [localhost]

Please specify the port used to connect to the
DMBS [3306]

Please specify the name of the database to be
used by Koha [koha]

Please specify the user that owns the database to be
used by Koha [kohaadmin] koha

Please specify the password of the user that owns the
database to be used by Koha [katikoan] passwort:)

Koha can use the Zebra search engine for high-performance
searching of bibliographic and authority records.  If you
have installed the Zebra software and would like to use it,
please answer ‚yes‘ to the following question.  Otherwise,
Koha will default to using its internal search engine.

Please note that if you choose *NOT* to install Zebra,
koha-conf.xml will still contain some references to Zebra
settings.  Those references will be ignored by Koha.

Install the Zebra configuration files? (no, yes) [yes] y
Value ‚y‘ is not a valid option.
Please enter a value (no, yes) [yes] yes

Unable to find the Zebra programs ‚zebrasrv‘ and ‚zebraidx‘
in your PATH or in some of the usual places.  If you haven’t
installed Zebra yet, please do so and run Makefile.PL again.

Since you’ve chosen to use Zebra with Koha,
you must specify the primary MARC format of the
records to be indexed by Zebra.

Koha provides Zebra configuration files for MARC 21

MARC format for Zebra indexing (marc21, unimarc) [marc21] marc21

Koha supplies Zebra configuration files tuned for
searching either English (en) or French (fr) MARC

Primary language for Zebra indexing (en, fr) [en] en

Koha can use one of  two different indexing modes
for the MARC authorities records:

grs1 – uses the Zebra GRS-1 filter, available
for legacy support
dom  – uses the DOM XML filter; offers improved

Authorities indexing mode (dom, grs1) [dom]

Please specify Zebra database user [kohauser] kohauser

Please specify the Zebra database password [zebrastripes] passwort:)

Since you’ve chosen to use Zebra, you can enable the SRU/
Z39.50 Server if you so choose, but you must specify a
few configuration options for it.

Please note that if you choose *NOT* to configure SRU,
koha-conf.xml will still contain some references to SRU
settings.  Those references will be ignored by Koha.

Install the SRU configuration files? (no, yes) [no] no

Since you’ve chosen to use Zebra, you can also choose to
install PazPar2, which is a metasearch tool.  With PazPar2,
Koha can perform on-the-fly merging of bibliographic
records during searching, allowing for FRBRization of
the results list.

Install the PazPar2 configuration files? [no] no

Use memcached and memoize to cache the results of some function calls?
This provides a signficant performance improvement.
You will need a Memcached server running. (no, yes) [no] no

Would you like to run the database-dependent test suite? (no, yes) [no] no

Koha will be installed with the following configuration parameters:

AUTH_INDEX_MODE          dom
DB_NAME                  koha
DB_PASS                  passwort:)
DB_PORT                  3306
DB_TYPE                  mysql
DB_USER                  koha
INSTALL_BASE             /usr/share/koha
INSTALL_MODE             standard
INSTALL_PAZPAR2          no
INSTALL_SRU              no
INSTALL_ZEBRA            yes
KOHA_GROUP               koha
KOHA_INSTALLED_VERSION   no_version_found
KOHA_USER                koha
USE_MEMCACHED            no
ZEBRA_LANGUAGE           en
ZEBRA_MARC_FORMAT        marc21
ZEBRA_PASS               passwort:)
ZEBRA_USER               kohauser

and in the following directories:

DOC_DIR                  $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/koha/doc
INTRANET_CGI_DIR         $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-bin
INTRANET_TMPL_DIR        $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/koha/intranet/htdocs/intranet-tmpl
INTRANET_WWW_DIR         $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/koha/intranet/htdocs
KOHA_CONF_DIR            $(DESTDIR)/etc/koha
LOG_DIR                  $(DESTDIR)/var/log/koha
MAN_DIR                  $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/koha/man
MISC_DIR                 $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/koha/misc
OPAC_CGI_DIR             $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/koha/opac/cgi-bin
OPAC_TMPL_DIR            $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/koha/opac/htdocs/opac-tmpl
OPAC_WWW_DIR             $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/koha/opac/htdocs
PAZPAR2_CONF_DIR         $(DESTDIR)/etc/koha/pazpar2
PERL_MODULE_DIR          $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/koha/lib
SCRIPT_DIR               $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/koha/bin
SCRIPT_NONDEV_DIR        $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/koha/bin
ZEBRA_CONF_DIR           $(DESTDIR)/etc/koha/zebradb
ZEBRA_DATA_DIR           $(DESTDIR)/var/lib/koha/zebradb
ZEBRA_LOCK_DIR           $(DESTDIR)/var/lock/koha/zebradb
ZEBRA_RUN_DIR            $(DESTDIR)/var/run/koha/zebradb

To change any configuration setting, please run
perl Makefile.PL again.  To override one of the target
directories, you can do so on the command line like this:

perl Makefile.PL PERL_MODULE_DIR=/usr/share/perl/5.8

You can also set different default values for parameters
or override directory locations by using environment variables.

For example:

export DB_USER=my_koha
perl Makefile.PL


DB_USER=my_koha DOC_DIR=/usr/local/info perl Makefile.PL

If installing on a Win32 platform, be sure to use:
‚dmake -x MAXLINELENGTH=300000‘

Warning: prerequisite Algorithm::CheckDigits 0.5 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Biblio::EndnoteStyle 0.05 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Business::ISBN 2.05 not found.
Warning: prerequisite CGI::Compile 0.15 not found.
Warning: prerequisite CGI::Emulate::PSGI 0.14 not found.
Warning: prerequisite CGI::Session 4.2 not found.
Warning: prerequisite CGI::Session::Serialize::yaml 4.2 not found.
Warning: prerequisite CHI 0.49 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Cache::Memcached 1.24 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Cache::Memcached::Fast 0.19 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Class::Factory::Util 1.6 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Clone 0.31 not found.
Warning: prerequisite DBD::SQLite 0.33 not found.
Warning: prerequisite DBIx::Connector 0.47 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Data::ICal 0.13 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Date::Calc 5.4 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Date::ICal 1.72 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Date::Manip 5.44 not found.
Warning: prerequisite DateTime 0.65 not found.
Warning: prerequisite DateTime::Format::DateParse 0.05 not found.
Warning: prerequisite DateTime::Format::Strptime 1.5 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Email::Date 1.103 not found.
Warning: prerequisite File::Slurp 9999.13 not found.
Warning: prerequisite GD 2.39 not found.
Warning: prerequisite GD::Barcode::UPCE 1.1 not found.
Warning: prerequisite HTML::Scrubber 0.08 not found.
Warning: prerequisite HTML::Template::Pro 0.69 not found.
Warning: prerequisite HTTP::Exception 0.03001 not found.
Warning: prerequisite HTTP::OAI 3.2 not found.
Warning: prerequisite JSON 2.07 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Lingua::Stem 0.82 not found.
Warning: prerequisite List::MoreUtils 0.21 not found.
Warning: prerequisite MARC::Charset 0.98 not found.
Warning: prerequisite MARC::Crosswalk::DublinCore 0.02 not found.
Warning: prerequisite MARC::File::XML 0.88 not found.
Warning: prerequisite MARC::Record 2 not found.
Warning: prerequisite MIME::Lite 3 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Mail::Sendmail 0.79 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Memoize::Memcached 0.03 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Modern::Perl 1.03 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Moose 2.0006 not found.
Warning: prerequisite MooseX::Role::Parameterized 0.26 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Net::IP 1.25 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Net::LDAP 0.33 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Net::LDAP::Filter 0.14 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Net::Server::PreFork 0.97 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Net::Z3950::ZOOM 1.16 not found.
Warning: prerequisite PDF::API2 2 not found.
Warning: prerequisite PDF::API2::Page 2 not found.
Warning: prerequisite PDF::API2::Util 2 not found.
Warning: prerequisite PDF::Reuse 0.33 not found.
Warning: prerequisite PDF::Reuse::Barcode 0.05 not found.
Warning: prerequisite POE 0.9999 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Plack 0.9978 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Plack::Middleware::Deflater 0.03 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Plack::Middleware::Expires 0.03 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Plack::Middleware::HTTPExceptions 0.01 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Plack::Middleware::Header 0.04 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Plack::Middleware::MethodOverride 0.1 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy 0.09 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Plack::Middleware::Rewrite 1.003 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Plack::Middleware::Status 1.10115 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Rose::DB 0.762 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Rose::DB::Object 0.791 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Rose::DB::Object::Helpers 0.784 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Rose::DB::Object::Loader 0.787 not found.
Warning: prerequisite SMS::Send 0.05 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Schedule::At 1.06 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Squatting 0.81 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Squatting::On::PSGI 0.06 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Text::Aspell 0.04 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Text::CSV 0.01 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Text::CSV_XS 0.32 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Try::Tiny 0.06 not found.
Warning: prerequisite XML::Dumper 0.81 not found.
Warning: prerequisite XML::LibXML 1.59 not found.
Warning: prerequisite XML::LibXSLT 1.59 not found.
Warning: prerequisite XML::RSS 1.31 not found.
Warning: prerequisite XML::SAX::ExpatXS 1.31 not found.
Warning: prerequisite XML::SAX::Writer 0.44 not found.
Warning: prerequisite YAML::Syck 0.71 not found.
Writing Makefile for koha
Writing MYMETA.yml

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